Below you will find some questions as a helpful guide of where we can journey. But ultimately, whatever questions we start with will lead us into conversation between you and your Records channeled & facilitated through myself.

Everyone’s Akashic Records require consent to be accessed. By sharing your full legal name with me, you provide an agreement for me to work in your Records.

As a reminder, please avoid drugs, processed food, and alcohol consumption 24 hours prior to our session for the clearest channel.

  • What is my soul purpose?

  • What is my collective purpose?

  • What lessons am I working on in this lifetime?

  • Why do I keep putting myself in the same relationships that do not serve me?

  • How can I align my career with my soul purpose?

  • What is my soul contract with my partner?

  • What career path is best for me?

  • Why am I unable to move forward in my career?

  • What is the root of these recurring patterns in my life?

  • Why am I struggling to create community?

  • What is the root cause of my fear of “X”?

  • I’m considering moving…is this decision in my highest alignment?

  • What ancestral trauma is affecting me today?

  • Why do I feel so connected to ‘X’?

  • Why do I feel unsatisfied in life?

  • Why do I feel like I have trauma around something that has never happened to me?